Is It Okay For Men To Cry?

If your man cries... is he sexy, sensitive, and caring? Or a cry baby, wuss, and a sissy?? Should he "man up" or let his softer side show? This is a topic I argue with friends about alot because they generally feel one extreme or the other. I always hear: "Grown men don't cry" or "Real men cry". So which one is it?? Is there a middle ground? I stand by this statement and believe it wholeheartedly: It depends. Lol. I truly believe its not one or the other. I think that too much crying is annoying and feminine, and no emotion at all is not healthy. If a man is crying for good reason, let him have his moment. But if he's crying because you turned from ESPN... well... that's just a shame. Lol.

But seriously, who is it that made up the rule that men should never ever cry? I've seen my male cousins get punched in the chest when they cried because they were being "girls". That's right. Hit because they were supposed to be tough and showed a moment of weakness. It's crazy to me! Society puts this stigma on men like they are never supposed to need anyone and never supposed to show that they're hurt, sad, or feel pain. But then we wonder why we have so many crazies running around! I feel that if men felt comfortable talking about things and didn't feel pressure to be so macho, maybe some of the recent shootings and the bombings could have been prevented. When we as humans are left with built up pain or hurt, our bodies can't handle it. It really doesn't surprise me that some people just snap. A man is just that-- huMAN. If a man needs to cry, let that release happen instead of making it worse by telling him he's wrong for feeling. Just a thought...

So what do you think? Should men never cry under any circumstance? Should he "man up" and hold his feelings in? What if the roles were reveresed and we as women were told it's something wrong with us if we cry? Can you imagine? We'd be "punks" everytime we see Titantic! Talk to me...


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