8 Signs that your Life is Off-Track

This list is in no particular order, but it’s a few things that you should be weary of as a woman and a young adult. If you find that any of these signs relate to you, fix it. No one’s life is perfect, but you sure can make it the best and easiest life that you can live.
1.       If you are in an abusive relationship
a.       If your partner physically or verbally attacks you, is condescending, and tries to limit the places you go and the people you interact with then it is time to let him go. Don’t let anyone break you.
b.      If they pressure you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. This can be having sex, stealing, doing drugs or something as simple as cutting class. If you don’t want to do it and he won’t let up, drop him.
c.       Also, if you realize that they are not ambitious. They have no plans for the future besides “running the block” or staying at the same position as a cashier in Wendy’s. You should want to be someone who is going to advance your life and encourage you to fulfill your dreams.
2.       You don’t have any plans for after high school
a.       High School may feel like it’s forever, but it’s not (or at least it shouldn’t be). Everyday you should be taking action towards your next step in life. This can mean college, job, volunteering, internship, the army or any number of things. Start to prepare yourself for the future you want to have. If you decide on college think about financing it, if you’re thinking about the job world start to think about what field you would like to work in, and so on and so on. Always think about where you want to be in the next 5 years from now.
3.       Unsafe Sex
a.       Are you having sex, even if with only one partner, unprotected? This can easily ruin your life.
There are STD’s and the risk of pregnancy that’s not worth having sex without a condom or some type of barrier between you and your partner. Herpes, HIV, Chlamydia, Trichomaniasis, and Gonorrhea are only a few of the most common STD’s passed. Don’t ruin your life on one night of pleasure. It feels good with the condom on too!
4.       Keeping up with the Joneses
a.       Be a leader or at the very least yourself. Don’t copy everyone else and save all of your money to buy the latest Jordans or the new denim jacket with the leather sleeves (regardless of how cute it is). If you’re doing it because everyone else has it and simultaneously breaking your pockets, don’t do it. If it’s something that you truly want, even if everyone said it was ugly and you saved for it, then go for it. This motto doesn’t only extend to fashion.
b.      Be a leader in the classroom. If you know the answer raise your hand and participate. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing or going to say. Is their name on that report card? Nope. And people respect you more once they see that you do what’s right because you  want to. Following people gets you absoloutely nowhere in the classroom.
c.       Be a leader in extracurricular activities. Sometimes we want to go to the hotspots instead of figuring out what we like to do. How many times are you going to visit the Gallery Mall and window shop? Pick up a hobby. Do you like to dance, sing, play an instrument, practice spoken word, or volunteer? The list is endless. Doing these kinds of things separates you from the rest and puts you in front of the Joneses instead of tagging behind them. It’s cool to have a talent that not everyone else has.
5.       Limiting Yourself
a.       In the same vein as following the Jones’, don’t limit yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone and do something that you have never have done before. This can be as small as listening to Jessie Ware instead of 2 chainz or as big as helping out a homeless shelter. Never say you can’t do something. When you look at your five year plan, you should be at a different point in your life.
6.       Addicted to Drugs and or Alchohol
a.       One thing that can limit your advancement in life is an addiction. When you feel like you cannot go on without something or you need it on a daily basis, you’re hooked. The reason why this is so problematic is because it distracts you from other things like friends, family, school, and your future.
b.      Another reason why addiction is debilitating is because you can get arrested for it. Why waste months to years of your life behind bars for an out of body experience? Think about it. Is it really worth it?
7.       Bad Posture
a.       This may seem silly, but posture does say volumes about you. Your body language is your
true first impression with someone. If your shoulders are hunched over, head down, and feet are being dragged while you mumble something that might be pure genious, no one will even give you a second look. You are beautiful and amzing. Stand up and be proud of that. Be proud of who you are.
2.       Fighting
a.       Don’t let someone else rile you up so much that you feel like you have to fight them. Besides the consequences such as suspension from school, pain and soreness, screaming from mom, and possible police involvement, you may actually damage your pretty faces and bodies. Fighting simply said,  is not cute. 

Are there anythings that I missed ladies? How do you know your life is on track?


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