“Does Not Having A Purpose = Not having a Life”

Some males and females today believe that they aren’t going to live to be a senior citizen or even a middle age adult. They believe that you only live once, so live life to the fullest with no regrets. They even don’t care how their reckless behaviors could affect them in the long run, again because this is the only life that they have to live. So why are teens today thinking like this, my guess is that they feel like they don’t have a purpose in life, and maybe because of some lyrical content in urban music, I'm just saying. But, none of the less, some teens today feel like they have failed in everything that they have tried to accomplished, and I believe are reaching out for help when participating in unhealthy life decisions. If you know a teen or are a teen who is in this situation you should figure out something that you are great at, love to do, and something that you do, that makes you feel like all of your problems are gone, and nothing matters as long as you are doing that thing. If you can succeed in doing this, guess what you might have just found your purpose. That purpose will allow you to get away from negative places, emotions, and feelings and will allow you to succeed. You will love to live life, instead of just existing in life. You will be a new and improve you, and will never want to go back to the old you. Let this be a lesson learned, just think, when you find your passion and purpose how remarkable it would be to go back and tell your story to others, which in the end will make your purpose even more extraordinary and astonishing. Just think about it, and maybe one day you can try it and find your purpose. 

Written by: LaToya Rippy


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