Is It Easy to Talk to Your Mom About Sex?

This is a topic that I always get a little sketchy about when conversing, just because me and my mother never had the talk "about sex" sex just happened. My guess is that I was just a little too nervous, or thought since she never brought it up, I shouldn’t neither, but this is where parents go wrong. Yes parents, every child would like to talk about sexual intercourse before actually partaking in it, and if you aren’t bringing it to the table, how should they initiate that conversation. In order to effectively communicate to your parents that you are ready to partake in sex you should follow these steps. Step 1; Let your parents know how you feel about sex, not taking for granted that they know your feelings. Step 2, Pick a time and place where you feel comfortable about bringing the topic up and actually having the conversation. Step 3, Do not shut down, and stand your ground when communicating, because in the end it will be beneficial to you. Step 4, Communicate assertively, meaning using I statements without the attitude, in order to effectively get your point across. Step 5, be willing to accept any feedback your parent gives you, since they gave you that same respect when you were communicating your feelings. So now that we have those 5 simple steps, you should now be able to successfully communicate to your parents that you are ready to participate in sexual encounters. Hope this helps ladies….

Written by; LaToya Rippy


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