Distance and Time

He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me? Has your guy been distant, or not acting the way he used to? Some might jump to the conclusion that he is “messing” with someone on the side and that’s why he isn’t giving you the same attention as he used to. Though this shouldn’t be completely ruled out, it’s important to recognize whether not that’s the case or whether there’s something going on internally with him. It’s never good when you suspect that your man could be playing around and all you want is that reassurance that everything is all right. First thing you should attempt to do is try to talk it out without turning it into an argument. Remember not to jump to conclusions because there could very well be a perfect explanation to his sudden change in character but its your job to find out why this is. Being cheating on in a relationship and ending it is a very hurtful feeling and can take time to heal, but knowing or having an idea he is cheating and doing nothing about it will eat you up inside making you bitter and stressed and you don’t want that.
It could simply be a matter of him feeling stressed about something else going on in his life that has nothing to do with you, and his best coping mechanism is to withdraw from you to try and figure it out on his own. Though you should be supportive in a relationship, it’s important to remember that everyone likes his or her space when needed. If you can rule out him stepping out of the relationship, and have attempted to try and talk out the issues with him, the next thing would probably be to focus on remaining positive in the relationship. Sometimes all your significant other needs is to be around something positive when everything else seems to be going wrong. So remain positive, find other things to take up your time, and things will work themselves out.


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