Why is Love Harder in the Winter....

The winter months are full of ways for couples to get closer yet the season is so tuff on one's love life.  According to a recent survey done by COSMO, couples are more than twice as likely to think about splitting up between the holiday season and Valentine's day.  There have been TWO reasons why this problem has come to exist in relationships:

1.  The Pressure the Season Puts on People:  A a lot of money is being spent during this time and a financial strain can add stress onto any relationship.  Also a lot of people tend to gain weight around this season because of all the holiday eating and there for take this stress and desire to get back to their normal weight out on their significant other.  Whatever the pressure and cause of it may be, there is defiantly an added pressure on people during the winter months.

2.  The Scientific Reason: Proven many times before and even clinically diagnosed as SAD,seasonal affective disorder, the winter months just naturally make people feel depressed causing them to fight.  The season's shortage of sunlight lowers our level of the mood-regualting neurotransmitter serotonin.  This will make you more cranky than in the summer when most people enjoy up to 15 hours of mood-boosting sunlight a day.

To avoid getting annoyed with each other for being crapped up in the house together all winter long heres 4 ways to get out the house when its cold:

1. Go to a Movie.  Probably the most convenient way to get out the house and one of the cheapest.  Most theaters offer student discounts with your college I.D. card or have $6 Tuesdays.

2. Go to Dinner. Again another common date but most people forget about it because the weather outside is yucky.  Put on you snow gear and go out to dinner.

3. In-Door Fun.  Try and do an activity in doors like go bowling or even a round of laser tag.  Man love being competitive, so have fun with it.

4. Visit Family and Friends Together.  Most people stay inside any way so why not do it with loved ones.  Take time to visit people you haven't seen as a couple so you can laugh together.

The season will change and the problems will come to an end.  Know your not the only couple feeling rocky but a little effort to keep the spark alive never hurts.


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