How to Know When a Friend is No Longer a Friend

Friends are like bras.  Some are close to your heart and there for support.  But with some friends, that under wire cuts to deep and its time to take it off.  Good friends are hard to find and even harder to keep but sometimes you just have to let the bad ones go.  Here are 10 ways to recognize if your friendship is coming to an end.

1. Even if you were in a chatty mood and able to talk, you either sent her call to voicemail and simply just ignored her text.

2. Other people can sense your attitude goes from good to bad after the two of you "hang".

3. Conversation with her is only about her.

4. She is never, Never, NEVER around when YOU need something.

5. Things you two have confidentially discussed gets brought out by other friends, and not because you told them.

6. Her success becomes digs that she makes on you.  "I just signed the lease to my new apartment, now I don't have to live with my parents like you do, yay me !"

7. You can't talk to her about a life crisis because she always tries to out do your problems. " you think that was bad, guess what happened to me..."

8. When you share good news, she always makes it into bad concern.  Not because she is concerned but because she just can't be happy for you.

9. If she is single , she can't be happy for other friends in relationships.

10. When you walk away from a conversation you feel "stripped like a car".

Some friends have problems with one another that can be worked out.  Some friends through all the problems will always come out to help you. And sometimes some friends can no longer have that title as a "friend".  Its better to get rid of a "bad" friend then to pretend they are "good" company.
                                                                                                     - Amethyst


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